No classes today!
err, I guess I haven't really written a whole lot lately about what I've been up to for the last couple months, so how about a random mention of anything mildly interesting...
I think I mentioned Ely's trip was fun, but I'll reitterate that it was awesome and we did a million cool things.
Haven't mentioned Anna's trip yet...
Anna's trip was rad, because we went and did a million other cool things in Tokyo like checking out huge tapeworms at the parasite museum, went to a pro Japanese baseball game, and ran away from a drunk guy who was trying to lick my face. Then we came up to Tokamachi where we went up to the mountains and checked out some local stuff, and watched some soccer. Fun trip!
Recently the heat and humidity of rainy season has been off the charts. It's so humid, when you tear a piece of paper, it just sort of falls apart. I strip down and take a cold shower after work. My hair is attempting to be curly. I'm probably gaining weight just by absorbing moisture via osmosis. I opened a can of potato chips and they quickly turned to mush. I feel like I'm breathing mud.
Last weekend was awesome, saw Lopaka run a marathon (nice work), swam in the ocean, ate 2 cheeseburgers (rarity), went to a ninja fun house, and went to the movies. Last night I payed $15 to sit for a beer.
I'm having lotsa fun with my students and I've started doing pen pal stuff with some of them, which is forcing me to write some in Japanese. I did calligraphy for the first time yesterday and I was terrible at it.
I went to Niigata City with Yuko and family, and went to a good fish market where I bartered over guts and tentacles.
Russell was really ill but he's pulled through. Go tough guy.
I think Aubrey's coming to visit in a couple weeks!
More random pics soon...