Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My dive

Occasionally i'll walk up to the very local izakaya called Wakamatsuya in my neighborhood for some drink and grub. i like to go there for the local flavor, and to try to work on a little Japanese. the problem is, everyone in there (usually all 3 of them) are always so wasted drunk that they have trouble speaking Japanese themselves. so usually the pronuncuation I learn in there ends up being a little on the slurry side. i ate some fried pork, boiled tofu, pickles and a bowl of something on top of rice while i tried to talk the latest topic and listen in on what they had to say. amongst tonight's conversation, loosely and probably mistakenly translated:

-"Yah, I"m glad Princess Kiko had a baby boy. We need a male emperor..." said one guy. "Why?" I asked. "Because, that's how it's always been. See, the imperial line goes back thousands of years unbroken..." "But there have been female Emperors six times in Japanese history I just read" I said. "Uhhhh?...Oh, well, yah only when there's no other choice!" said the drunko.

-"Hey Foreigner Sensei, remember when your Dad drank here? That guy was massive. He was like, this tall, and this big. He was like a K-1 pro wrestler. He was scary at first but he was nice. Is he in the mafia? It's nice to have a large dad."

-A drunko explained American history to me. "America doesn't have an emperor, they have a president right? Because 400 years ago a bunch of guys got together with some Indians and then the Indians helped them and then they thought 'who should be King?' and then they said 'Let's vote for a president' and then they made 5o states to vote for him and now they have Bush."

-"Hey you better come to the festival in 2 weeks because my friend wants to make you drink a bunch of sake and if you don't come he'll knock down your door"

He he, good fun. The beer is really cold, the pork is extra greasy, and the drunk rice farmers are extra amusing.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

some pics from Tokamachi Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial

Rice Field Disco Fiesta 06

Something's different

forest of 20,000 handmade bead flowers Posted by Picasa