Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Boys will be girls

We love the backstreet boys! Some of my crazy students with their #1 favorite American music. Not sure why, but it seems like the most popular imported male music artists (amongst my junior high kids) tend to be pretty effeminate. For example, the Backstreet Boys...Michael Jackson...British and American boy bands. But a lot of the popular female artists tend to be more boyish or tough, like Avril Lavigne, Christina Aguilera, Tina Turner. Not sure why. I think it sums up a lot of the gender differences over here a little bit...Japanese men overall tend to have a more feminine side to them (just look at some of their Tina Turner haircuts, watch them on TV) and while the girls tend to be cute and dainty on the outside, they usually are more assertive and adopt some masculine traits as well that underlie their girliness. Ne?


At 8:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

um...i think you left out something. about disneyland?!!??

At 8:18 AM, Blogger Erik said...

you mean i'm girlie cuz I went to disneyland?

At 9:42 AM, Blogger kittykat said...

hell yes, you big GIRL.

Come on, post the pictures of you kissing mickey with all those disney toys around your neck.

At 11:54 AM, Blogger Justine said...

all i can do is add this:

At 12:15 PM, Blogger Erik said...

OK kat. mickey pics coming, but only cuz you asked for it.

And justine, i haven't watched the video yet, but if it's those two weird chinese guys being fruitcakes and emulating a boy band, then it's right on the dot.

At 9:29 AM, Blogger Justine said...

it is totally that erik, totally that.
please please PLEASE watch it with the speakers turned up.

At 1:26 PM, Blogger Erik said...

yah i watched it with the speakers on loud, but the only reason i finished it was to see if the guy in the back would turn around and realize what was happening and then beat up his roommate.

At 6:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey was just rolling thru wanted to let ya know ya got a cool blog here Nice Job.


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