Thursday, November 17, 2005

damn, i'm whiny!

after reading that last post again, i realized how whiny i sounded and how I'm just making excuses for how my japanese has declined. Like anything else I just need to put effort into it, but like anything else you usually don't put out effort unless there is motivation...but the truth is I've plateaued out on my Japanese level to where I can do anything that I really need to do, and most of the people I spend my time with speak English (plus, it's my job to speak English so I do that all day). But I caught myself...I'm NOT giving up on the proficiency test, I'm going to give it a good swing and maybe I'll just end up being smart and passing the thing.

Since I've been studying more kanji, the idea of a tattoo briefly comes into my mind...not cuz I'm one of those people that think kanji tattoos are cool even though you've never studied Japanese (nothing against you, some of you are my friends), but because I committed to a tattoo long ago on Annie and Aimee's last night in town (yes, I had been drinking). One of my favorite kanjis is YUKI (because it's the kanji for SNOW) and i love the way the kanji looks. Plus, I like snow and it represents the fact that we live in the heart of the original Snow Country. That was the kanji we all decided to get eventually as a sign of our friendship, and as a bit of a souvenir for living in a life of Japanese snow.

Also, I like symmetry so one tattoo isn't gonna work cuz anywhere central will be on my spine, and I don't want it on my stomach, chest, bellybutton, throat or nose, so it would be on a leg or shoulder. But, that would be off balance, so does anyone have any ideas for a good second balancing kanji? Something that you would associate with me?

But the truth is I don't like tattoos or piercings and I don't want one, so all of this daydreaming about what tattoo to get is sort of the same as daydreaming about what you would do if you won the's probably just not going to happen.


At 4:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what the fuck is with these random responses to your blog trying to get you to do spam shit.
yeah, about that tatoo, aren't we all supposed to get one on the same damn day!!!!!
let me know if you actually get it and i'll work on mine. already have one planned for with my sister once she turns 18. this is annie btw.
don't worry about your japspeak. you'll hit the upswing again. be a good study bunny.
love ya

At 7:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you have a couple options; if you only like one tattoo then you should get it at the base of your neck just below the collar (I know you said no neck or spine but seriously it'd be badass). Other then that if you got two then one should be on your shoulder blade; the other on the side of your belly between your belly button and pube line just inside the line where your leg meets the torso (opposite the shoulder where you have the other one of course). However, since needles make you woozy I would stick with rub on tattoos or something cause they use a big f***ing vibrating needle. Plus they are really addictive and you will then want 8.

xoxox – Anna

At 9:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad your still down with the snow tat- Keiona said shes down too, but I haven't been able to convince Holly yet, but I'm sure she will if we get her drunk enough!
Good luck on the test!

At 10:30 AM, Blogger kittykat said...

get a tattoo erik, i think it ll look good on you!!

ANNIECHEN, email me biatch! I wanna know about your London life please....hows it all going?

Wish i was home over xmas, looks liek you guys will all have a ball catching up

miss you!!!!

At 1:12 PM, Blogger Erik said...

really? I always though tattoos would look better on less...dorky looking dudes.

At 1:17 PM, Blogger Erik said...

oh, and i like the little reunion we have going on the blog posts! its gotta happen somewhere i guess. but between anna, annie and aimee i'n kinda cornfyooozed.

anna, i think the thing my friends and i concluded was that i get a permanent marker tattoo and that will satisfy everyone. that i do remember.


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