Monday, July 25, 2005

Gary's done married. A long time ago.

Here is my friend Gary who lives in China...he recently sent me this pick of him and his new wife. Gary was my roommate in college and one of the 'goodest' guys I know. I just liked this picture from his Chinese wedding....

So, as for the turns out my BOE has asked all Tokamachi ALTs to work full time every day throughout the summer. I think they are trying to exert new control over the ALTs by making them sit and do nothing for a whole day instead of just the morning, like last summer. However, I think I'm able to work out a secret deal with my kocho sensei...he's so cool.

Unfortunately I'll have to move schools next week because my driver's license is expiring. I'll start driving classes tomorrow at $50 an hour, because I'll essentially only have one chance to pass my driving test or else I'll have to keep going to the other school which is near my apartment, and I don't think I can work out a secret deal with that school. So August 10 is my driving test and it's a must-pass situation.

I will have to start taking a full-day's nenkyuu though...which isn't too bad considering I have a few days left and I'll be getting secret afternoons off this summer...


At 1:24 PM, Blogger kittykat said...


im glad u guys ahve to work too, im in all summer, well, until i hit London next week! HOORAH! so i ahve little to cmplain about really....but working full days when there's nothing to do!?! Bah.

See you friday, cant wait for fuji rock, its gonna be ace!

At 4:50 PM, Blogger Erik said...

Yah I'm pumped! FUJI FUJI FUJI. I think I'll be able to get in on Saturday, cuz Beck was partially the whole reason I wanted to go to Fuji anyway. BTW I can't believe you'll be seeing Annie in London next week. AS for me, if I get a plane ticket to Hawaii in August to see family, guess who might be there at the same time...Annie.

At 8:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude i want to go to hawaii! you should go in early august and i'll meet you there, seriously


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