Friday, July 22, 2005

sad in a cabin

so tonight was the sort of formal goodbye to Aimee and Annie in Kawanishi in the log cabin restaurant, as their contract is up and they're leaving Japan. Nate, Debs, Keiko, MARTIN, and the two girls were there.

At Hummingbird (the music camp I grew up in) on Saturday nights we had the friendship circle in front of the shell to say goodbye to everyone from the past week/session. The emotions that defined the moments standing around in a circle on those Saturday nights were so heightened and so real. Tonight gave me a bit of a flashback to that, even though it was just a few people sitting around a table, sipping sake and having old Japanese people oggle us, instead of 150 kids standing in a circle under a moon and a giant tree, hands right over left. But in the end it's exactly the same...appreciating the good things that come about through sharing really unique lifetime experiences, especially the sweet surprise that is spontaneous friendship in a foreign place...sharing a few laughs about the insane things we've done together...not really rushing but enjoying the moment...and expressing the sadness and fear that things might be different from here on out, but knowing that it's worth it because we have shared the most positive things in life: adventure, friendship and admiration.

So anyway, next week I'm going to rock some Fuji Rock action baby! Anyone know which Coldplay or Foo Fighters albums I should download and listen to before next week? Own nothing of theirs and since they are the headliners for Friday I should probably give it a sampling...


At 5:26 AM, Blogger Jodi said...

Ahh Hummingbird... Saying goodbye is never fun. :( I am so jealous you get to see Coldplay. Their new album is X&Y and is supposed to be good... I LOVE their first album Parachutes. And their second album is good too, A rush of blood to the head... So i would go for all three.. but if you're only doing one, get the new one since they're bound to perform lots of their new songs.

I'm not so educated about the Foo Fighters, though. Hopefully someone else will reccomend...

At 6:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yah Dude! Foo fighters rock! I like coldplay too but only have their second album. I would at the very least get "the color and the shape" which i think is the foo fighters second album. Their first album "foo fighters" is really cool too, cuz dave grohl was the one man band at that time. I don't really think they sound like that anymore though. I've also heard that their most recent album is really good too, but i haven't listened to it. I like the foo cuz their a real emotional band, i wish i could come and see them with you!

At 10:56 AM, Blogger MartinMc said...

I thought I was at the cabin too. :-(

At 1:00 PM, Blogger Erik said...

Martin: oops! oh, was that you there Martin? just kidding. hey, i wrote that at like 1 am. sorry mate. will edit.

Jodi: Super thanks! I'll check it out. Yay Hummingbird!

Ely: Come next year! And if I get in to the other night dude, I'll see Beck, Fatboy Slim, Los Lobos, and tons more. Insane. What are you up to? I need to give you a call...

Anna: Ha ha. Camp isn't for everyone. I also need to give you a call...

At 1:22 PM, Blogger kittykat said...

FOO FIGHTERS are great, although their new album is yet to convince me that dave grohl is still as good as the color and the shape(BESTEST ALBUM DEF DOWNLOAD)!!!!

Ahhh, memories of passing out at a foos concert 2 years ago, and being crowd surfed to safety...and dave winking at me...bliss!!

and they rock live too


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