Thursday, January 19, 2006

Here's the whole scene. I'll try to explain. There is the huge shrine on the left, made by local trees. Up top are drunk 42-year-0ld men. Below them are drunk 25-year-old men, who are defending them from the other men of the village, who are all wielding flaming torches. The guys with the torches want to set fire to the big shrine because that's the ultimate goal of the festival. They start smacking the defenders with the flaming torches and throwing the torches into the middle of the shrine. The defenders fight back by swatting the torches away or punching the other guys in the face, or just pushing them over. The guys on top who are about to be set on fire laugh and taunt the torch bearers with songs and clapping. Eventually the guys on top evacuate, the guys on bottom - covered in black soot and blood - make friends and move into the crowd, and they bring in a larger fire to start the shrine ablaze.

On the right are these cool poofy shrines made by families of the village who have given birth to a baby boy within the past year. Eventually they are torched as an offering of sorts.

Wanna know what else is cool? See all those people's heads below me? That's how much taller I am than everyone. Yay for me.


At 1:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.


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