Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Holy Hawaii!

OH yah, I forgot to mention that within 48 hours I'll be headed to the airport for a 10 day family visit/vacation to higgity-Hawaii! Hasn't really hit me yet. There is a certain amount of mental preparation that you must undertake before leaving Japan and going back to your country and family (my preggie sister lives there in Honolulu with her husband and daughter Zen, and my dad's there for work and to visit her). So, I'm going through the process now of expecting a little culture shock and creating the space in my mind for the needed perspective of where I am and where I've just come from. I'm realizing it's now the longest since I've been away from America and friends and family in my life, over 9 months now. Not a huge period of time, but a record none-the-less. I'm preparing myself to be with family, talk about familiar things, to speak English not only consistently but at a comfortable pace, and for eating several cheeseburgers. Oh, and for sitting on the beach in a tropical paradise. I guess I'll snorkel if I have to...


At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lucky sod! i went to hawaii last june and surprisingly did not find it a huge culture shock. it's so full of japanese! i guess it will be different for you because you'll be with family. i went by myself so apart from the folks i met and chatted to briefly i didn't do much talking. long days on the beach,shopping and lots of good food.i felt totally at ease! totally understand what you mean about preparing to leave japan. the first week of most of my trips is all about culture shock. this is especially true the longer i'm here. when i went to australia i'd been in japan 18 months
and it just blew me away. i was so freaked out by everyone speaking english,guys hitting on me and public transport! plus i was ill from all the western food, couldn't wait to get back to niigata for a bowl of miso soup! anyway,have a great time!

At 10:47 PM, Blogger Erik said...

Yah Kelly! I just read that Hawaii is 20% Japanese. Maybe I can try to impress my fam with a few words to people on the street. It should be a good trip. Enjoy Niigata for me while I'm gone! When are we gonna drink beer?

At 1:29 AM, Blogger Jodi said...

You are so lucky! Have fun with your family in tropical paradise!!!

At 6:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think surfing is just starting to get good in hawaii. Catch a wave for me!

At 10:03 AM, Blogger kittykat said...


have a wicked time Eric, and if they happen to sell hawaii Kitty chan...errr, could u pick me one up?

Yah im sad i collect them :-)

At 10:39 AM, Blogger Erik said...

ha ha! i'll keep a look out...or, how about we just get a regular kitty-chan and decorate it with flowers or something?

At 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

git git git git git. i dont forgive you for abandoning me in my hour of need.... you are martie should have organised your trips better so you werent BOTH deserting me at the same time.
git git git git git.

At 11:54 AM, Blogger Erik said...

I made plans when everyone said they were all leaving! Including you! But hey, I was there for you last night when you had your enlightening conversation with the Lord...


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