Friday, June 24, 2005

oh my god

they're giving me an air conditioner. I'm overjoyed that main last battle with the BOE has been won...though, it hasn't been installed yet and I'll probably have to pay through my teeth to do it, but it was the principle that counts... the fact that I held strong and was able to negotiate under the intensely frustrating Japanese bureaucratic system (and do so mostly in Japanese) gives me a great deal of accomplishment.

So I'm happy! Also, I decided go for drinks less not only to save cash but to get my body back in shape, and since last week I've been jogging twice, bought an annual membership to the city gym and I even bought some fruit!

I am home for a minute on my way to Niigata City which is about 1.5 hour drive, for a meeting at the prefectural office for my volunteer Regional Advisor thing that I'm doing. It'll be just a short meeting so it's tons of driving, but I guess it's better than sitting at classes today because the kids are in test central.

Oh MY GOD. I'll be able to sleep this summer...I'll be able to move around...I'll be able to relax and breathe rather than stare at the wall with my tongue hanging out...I won't be the foreigner turkey in a big concrete oven. I'm so psyched.


At 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hate you, we were supposed to sweat out the summer in our `non airconned` apts together, you git. i hate you.


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