Friday, May 13, 2005


Today during cleaning time I saw a tiny little second year student wearing two neon WWJD bracelets, popular with the more Christian population of America's youth.

Our conversation went like this (mostly in Japanese):

I said "Hey, are you Christian too?" (there are two Catholic students at Minami JHS).
"No," she replied.
"Oh, do you know what those bracelets are?" I asked.
"Cool accessories!" she said.
"I see. Do you know what WWJD stands for?" I said.
"OK. Jesus was a person. Do you know who Jesus is?"
"Ah. Christian people believe in Jesus. WWJD is 'What Would Jesus Do.' " I explained.
"Oh. Is that his full name?" she asked.
"Never mind. Where did you buy those?"
"In the sports store!" she said.
"Cool. That's funny. I like the bright green one" I said.
"Oh, thanks! Bye!"

Soon after that, another student came up to me. "How are you?" I asked in English.
His response was, "I like sushi! Bye!"

This is why I love my students.


At 7:46 AM, Blogger Jodi said...

Ha! Oh no. Why are they selling those bracelets in the sports store??? That's really funny.... but I hate it when people are wearing things that mean something they don't identify with... it makes me feel bad for them -- acting as a bilboard for somebody elses' beliefs.

Ok i am off the soapbox now.

I like sushi. Bye!


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